![]() | The research, published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, has shed new light on the little-known migration behaviour of these animals — following their movement from the world’s largest breeding colony in Gabon, Central Africa, as they returned to feeding grounds across the South Atlantic. |

Snakes are the unbilled stars of the new Coen Brothers’ western, True Grit. They’re talked about, given lots of screen time, and you’d better believe that they bite. We asked snake expert Terry Philip, curator of reptiles at Black Hills Reptile Gardens in Rapid City, South Dakota, to shed light on the movie depiction of the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake. Leer más.
![]() | The genus Heterodactylus now includes a third species of elongate, short-limbed, earless lizards. H septentrionalis is the first new species of the genus discovered since 1862. One species occurs in the high-elevation Atlantic forests of southern Brazil, a second in a few mountainous sites in Minas Gerais. Both are very rare, with only about 15 known specimens in total. The new species was discovered more than 1,000km north of the previous northern record and, like its southern relatives, seems restricted to colder climates. |
El CRARC participa en aquesta iniciativa des de l’any 2001, moment en que l’Àrea d’Espais Naturals de la Diputació de Barcelona va proposar encetar algú tipus d’acció per a controlar el cada cop més preocupant augment dels quelonis exòtics en l’àmbit del Parc. Aquesta iniciativa, va ser una de les primeres a desenvolupar-se a Catalunya en el camp de la gestió de poblacions de fauna herpetològica al·lòctona introduïda. Les campanyes han tingut diferents resultats, tot tenint present la disponibilitat de recursos, i la cerca dels millors mètodes per a la captura dels quelonis. En el transcurs de totes les campanyes d’extracció, han estat retirades 433 tortugues , pertanyents a 5 espècies de distribució americana i 2 d’asiàtiques. |
Invasive species have a bad reputation — from plant-choking vines to nest-usurping birds, they’re often rightly blamed for crowding out native flora and fauna and altering the environment they invade. Leer más.