
Scientists from South Korea, the United States and Japan analyzed fossil evidence found in South Korea and published research describing a new horned dinosaur. The newly identified genus, Koreaceratops hwaseongensis, lived about 103 million years ago during the late Early Cretaceous period. The specimen is the first ceratopsian dinosaur from the Korean peninsula. The partial skeleton includes a significant portion of the animal’s backbone, hip bone, partial hind limbs and a nearly complete tail.

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Desde hace un par de días barre internet la noticia del nuevo ceratopsio Koreaceratops, un individuo hallado en el Cretácico inferior de Corea del Sur, que ha tomado el nombre de su país. Se trata de un ceratopsio basal, del que se han hallado la cadera y la cola, junto con algunos huesos de las extremidades posteriores. Como miembreo basal tiene características “protoceratopsianas”, cómo las altas espinas neurales de su cola, las cuales han generado todo el ruido de Descubren un dinosaurio “nadador”, estilo de vida anfibio, etc…

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Evolutionary advantage often makes for show-stopping stuff — a cheetah’s speed, for example, or a moth’s almost perfect mimicry of tree bark. In some snails, however, it’s simply down to a poor fit with a snake’s jaw.

Some species of Satsuma snail have shells that coil to the left, which probably evolved because the snakes that prey on them have jaws specialized for feeding on the molluscs’ right-coiling ancestors, a study published today in Nature Communications suggests.

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Why turtles, and why now? Turtles are disappearing from the planet faster than birds, mammals, and even amphibians. Today, over 40% of turtle species are identified as threatened with extinction; the primary threats are human-caused.  However, it’s not too late for our turtle heritage to be salvaged.  The United States has more endemic turtle species than anywhere on Earth; a turtle biodiversity hotspot.  Our careful stewardship can preserve the rare species and keep ‘common species common.

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