There’s a strange twist this week to the long-running story of the disappearing frogs. As regular readers of these pages will know, frogs and their amphibian cousins, the salamanders and caecilians, are more threatened than any other group of animals, with more than a third of assessed species on the danger list. Leer más.

A captive male Darwin’s frog coughed up ten babies Thursday at a zoo in Santiago, Chile, a milestone in a project to save the amphibians from extinction. The vulnerable species is one of two members of the only genus on Earth that rears its young inside of its vocal sac, a job taken on by the males. Leer más.
World Turtle Day was observed on May 23 at various project sites of the Turtle Survival Alliance’s India program to raise awareness about the diversity and threats to the nation’s non-marine chelonians. Leer más.
Esta culebra bastarda se estaba comiendo un juvenil de estornino, en medio de un camino por el que pasaba con el coche, así que aproveché y le hice unas tomas. de todo menos bonitas, la naturaleza es dura. Leer más.