
Paleontologists digging in the south of England have unearthed what might be the smallest dinosaur ever discovered; at just a foot long and weighing only a couple hundred grams, the Ashdown maniraptoran, was apparently an omnivore, at least partially feathered and walked on two legs. In a paper published on Cretaceous Research, colleagues and coauthors Darren Naish and Steven Sweetman describe the remains as the posterior cervical vertebra of a small dinosaur found in the Pevensey Pit at Ashdown Brickworks, in East Sussex. Leer más.

El Foro de la Biodiversidad nueva ventana, centro de divulgación medioambiental del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC nueva ventana) y la Fundación Biodiversidad nueva ventana, abre al público hasta el 30 de septiembre la exposición “Anfibios y reptiles españoles en su medio: una visión fotográfica”, que a través de 250 imágenes hace un recorrido por la mayoría de las especies de este grupo animal y  plantea sus problemas de conservación. Leer más.

Toad Mountain Harlequin frogs only live in one area of Panama’s dense tropical jungles – the Darien Province, and their population is down to a dangerous level. In an expedition at the beginning of this year it was reported researchers found just 50 males and 12 females. The reason so many frog species are in peril there, or have already been driven into extinction is the chytrid fungus. Worldwide, hundreds of frog species have been wiped out by it, and more are likely to vanish soon. Leer más.