
Un processó formada per unes 150 tortugues ha obligat a tancar una de les pistes d’aterratge de l’aeroport internacional John F. Kennedy de Nova York i ha provocat retards de més de 30 minuts en una desena de vols aquest dimecres. Les invasions d’aquests animals en aquesta infraestructura de Nova York, però, són un fenomen habitual que té lloc cada estiu. Leer más.

A team of researchers investigated a desert tortoise from the United States Southwest and northwestern Mexico. What was thought to be a simple problem in species identification turned out to be a very complex matter. Their investigations required forensic genetics and several other methods. In the end, they found it necessary to describe a new species. More than that, the discovery has very important implications for conservation and the development of the deserts of southern California. Leer más.