La Coordinadora Ecoloxista d’Asturies ha denunciado el tráfico ilegal internacional del que es víctima una subespecie de salamandra exclusiva de Asturias. Leer más.

Jul 2011 : Volume 10 Issue 1. Acaba de salir este volumen. Leer más.
The fossil, found in China, is a very complete 30cm (12in) lizard with more than a dozen embryos in its body. Leer más.
I wandered for an afternoon in the Gaylor Lakes basin (Tioga Country is my favorite place on earth), marveling over the abundant, late season snowpack that still covered most of the region while enjoying the constant melody of running water that accompanied me during my hike. Yosemite is usually alive with water in the spring, but this display of turbulent creeks and roaring waterfalls is unusual for late July. Leer más.
Unlike many specialized species that inhabit Panama, the pepper tree frog can live just about anywhere (and does) and expands the boundary of frog behavior. Listed all together, its attributes make for a compelling resume. Leer más.