A scientist from the University of Salamanca and another from Yale University have shown that the presence of predators affects the behaviour of Acanthodactylus beershebensis, a lizard species from the Negev Desert in the Near East. According to the study, these reptiles move less and catch less mobile and different prey if they are under pressure from predators. Leer más.

everal groups of dinosaurs that were roaming the South Pole more than 100 million years ago left three-toed prints in the wet, sandy soil. As they became compacted into cliffs, the prints waited patiently for Anthony Martin of Emory University to stumble across them in what is now Victoria, Australia. He found 24 complete prints. Leer más.
National Geographic Young Explorer Neil Losin is a biologist, photographer, and filmmaker pursuing his Ph.D. in UCLA’s Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Neil studies the evolution of territoriality in invasive Anolis lizards in South Florida Leer más.
The Transportation Security Administration intercepted seven snakes and three tortoises in a passenger’s pants as he tried to fly from Miami to Brazil on Aug. 25. Leer más.
Zoólogos en la Universidad Estatal de Oregon (Estados Unidos) han descubierto una especie de zooplancton capaz de consumir al hongo responsable de la pérdida masiva de anfibios en varios puntos del planeta. La investigación ha sido publicada en ‘Biodiversity and Conservation’. Leer más.