VIERNES 16 de septiembre de 2011. Leer más.

Bullock’s false toad (Telmatobufo bullocki), a rare and elusive species not seen since 2005, has been spotted in the Nahuelbuta mountain range in the Bío Bío and Araucanía Regions of Chile. Leer más.
Australian scientists have identified a new potential weapon in the battle to control invading cane toads in Australia. Leer más.
The distributions of many terrestrial organisms are currently shifting in latitude or elevation in response to changing climate. Using a meta-analysis, we estimated that the distributions of species have recently shifted to higher elevations at a median rate of 11.0 meters per decade, and to higher latitudes at a median rate of 16.9 kilometers per decade. Leer más.
Chris Tracey at Charles Darwin University in Darwin wondered why Litoria caerulea ventured out of the tree hollows they hide in into the cool night air. “Frogs usually become sluggish when the temperature drops,” he says. Leer más.