En este caso, el animal había aparecido en un sótano de un edificio que se encontraba en obras y, tras realizar la revisión completa del animal, verificamos que no presentaba ninguna lesión por lo que decidimos liberarlo. Leer más.

Multiple factors threaten global amphibian diversity but the spatial distribution of these threats and their interactions are poorly known. Leer más.
DNA banks for endangered animals consist of samples of sperm, ova, embryos, tissue samples, and serum. These biological materials are frozen in liquid nitrogen at -196°C or -373°F, where they can be maintained indefinitely. About a dozen zoos and conservation groups around the world have begun collecting genetic material from endangered animals and preserving it. Leer más.
Each year, numerous species thought to have disappeared are rediscovered. Yet, do these rediscoveries represent the return of viable populations or the delayed extinction of doomed species? We document the number, distribution and conservation status of rediscovered amphibian, bird, and mammal species globally. Leer más.
You may already know that taxonomy of amphibians is anything but stable. Poison frogs are not the exception. As it turns out, their nomenclature has undergone quite dramatic changes since Silverstone’s monograph in 1975, and continues to do so with a brand new paper published by Dr. Jason Brown and his colleagues. Leer más.