Las tortugas verdes (Chelonia mydas), animales que poblaron la Tierra hace más de cien millones de años y representadas en el filme animado “Buscando a Nemo”, han sido reconocidas internacionalmente como especies en peligro de extinción en su hábitat natural, lo mares tropicales y subtropicales. Leer más.

The study examined flight behavior and diet on islands that were visited versus those not visited by tourists. Iguanas on visited islands were less wary of human presence than those on non-visited islands. Unlike on non-visited islands, iguanas on beaches where they were fed by tourists consumed people-influenced items including trash (e.g., styrofoam, aluminum foil), non-native fruits and vegetables (e.g., grapes, tomatoes), and sand. Leer más.
The Center for Biological Diversity and the Center for Snake Conservation announced today that they are offering a $500 reward for the first person to document the existence of the South Florida rainbow snake. Both conservation organizations believe that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service last month prematurely declared the species extinct without conducting targeted surveys and despite several unconfirmed sightings. Leer más.
The evidence is strong. Paleontologists found a fossil of the small, bird-like dinosaur with remains of a bird in its gut. It appears that the dinosaur grabbed the bird and swallowed it whole. The bird must have been the dinosaur’s last meal, given how fossils for the two animals were preserved together over millions of years. Leer más.
Um vírus está ameaçando dizimar a população de tartarugas verdes da Grande Barreira de Corais, no norte do país. A doença causada pelo fibropapilloma produz tumores nos animais. Além do aumento na presença do vírus, as tartarugas também sofrem com a falta de alimento e a deterioração do ambiente de seu habitat. Leer más.