The Blue Mountain Water Skink, Eulamprus leuraensis, is listed as ‘Endangered’ on the IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM. Considered to be one of Australia’s rarest lizards, surveys suggest that this species is restricted to an isolated and naturally fragmented habitat of sedge and shrub swamps in the mid and upper Blue Mountains west of Sydney, New South Wales (NSW). Leer más.

The Wildlife Conservation Society’s (WCS) Peru program has announced the discovery of 365 species previously undocumented in Bahuaja Sonene National Park (BSNP) in southeastern Peru. Leer más.
Who would have predicted that a communications campaign devised to raise the profile of amphibians would resonate so much with the public? I certainly was not prepared for the wave of media interest that would follow as we developed a preliminary list of “lost” species. Leer más.
Full-time, part-time, seasonal, graduate programs and many more positions working with herpetofauna. Leer más.
Herpetology Laboratory’ Bangladesh (hl’b) is a sister concern of Society for Research and Development (SRD). hl’b is totally a non-profit and voluntary organization worked by a cluster of youngsters. Leer más.