AAWG15 will be held in Trento, Italy from Monday 28 to Thursday 31 May, 2012. The meeting will be informal, but every delegate will be expected to make a presentation (a talk or poster). Leer más.
Just over an hour ago I was eating breakfast by the pond, watching the damselflies, gnats, and tadpoles growing active in the morning sunshine, when I noticed some of the lily pads moving. The water rippled and then a bright orange throat snapped above the surface with an audible gulp! Leer más.
Professor Kellar Autumn, who is the chair of the Biology Dept. at Lewis and Clark College, came to an OMSI Science Pub to talk about his amazing work uncovering the secrets of the nanotechnology employed by gecko toes. Jasper loves reptiles and amphibians, and found this really interesting. Leer más.
Fifteen conservation groups have banded together to save around 2,400 hectares (6,000 acres) of primary rainforest in Guatemala, home to a dozen imperiled amphibians as well as the recently discovered Merendon palm pit viper (Bothriechis thalassinus). Leer más.