A bite from the black mamba snake (Dendroaspis polylepis) can kill an adult human within 20 minutes. But mixed in with that toxic venom is a new natural class of compound that could be used to help develop new painkillers. Leer más.

A bite from the black mamba snake (Dendroaspis polylepis) can kill an adult human within 20 minutes. But mixed in with that toxic venom is a new natural class of compound that could be used to help develop new painkillers. Leer más.
A bite from the black mamba snake (Dendroaspis polylepis) can kill an adult human within 20 minutes. But mixed in with that toxic venom is a new natural class of compound that could be used to help develop new painkillers. Leer más.
A bite from the black mamba snake (Dendroaspis polylepis) can kill an adult human within 20 minutes. But mixed in with that toxic venom is a new natural class of compound that could be used to help develop new painkillers. Leer más.
La singular Agalychnis callidryas es una especie de anfibio anuro que habita desde el sur de México hasta el norte de Colombia. Su aspecto es maravilloso: posee grandes ojos rojos de pupila vertical, su cuerpo es verde brillante y sus patas son de color azul y verde con dedos anaranjados. Una maravilla de la naturaleza. Leer más.