Investigadores franceses del Instituto de Farmacología Molecular y Celular aseguran que dos toxinas halladas en el veneno de la serpiente mamba negra son capaces de aliviar el dolor con efectos analgésicos tan potentes como los de la morfina. Leer más.
Applications from Indian nationals are invited for the position of “Field Veterinary Officer” with the TSA-India Program. The candidate should have a bachelor degree in vet science at the minimum, along with a valid practice registration and knowledge/ interest in working with freshwater reptiles and other wildlife. Leer más.
Members of the Gekko petricolus Taylor 1962 species group (sensu Panitvong et al. 2010) are rock-dwelling specialists occurring in southeastern Indochina. The group as currently described consists of eight described species: Leer más.
Canada horse-balm, pygmy snaketails and Blanding’s turtles are about to get the boot. Kirtland’s warbler, fawnsfoot mussel and beach-dune tiger beetle could soon get their ticket punched. Leer más.