The Proceedings of the Royal Society (B) has a special issue on the genomics of adaptation that it’s making available for free to everyone. You can see the contents here; they include these articles, which can be accessed directly from my links. Leer más.
Below is a picture of a cliff rock face in a western North Carolina State park where I recently found a Green Salamander (Aneides aeneus) hiding in it’s daytime crevice. The arrow points to the crevice. Leer más.
The Kihansi Spray Toad, Nectophrynoides asperginis, was restricted to the smallest known range for any vertebrate species, with an estimated historic wild population of 17,000 toads found within 2 hectares of waterfall spray zone in the Kihansi Gorge of the Udzungwa Mountains in south-central Tanzania. Leer más.
The conference will be organized by Macedonian Ecological Society (FYR of Macedonia) and Serbian Herpetological Society “Milutin Radovanović” (Serbia), in Struga, FYR of Macedonia. Leer más.
“Bones upon bones, we couldn’t believe our eyes,” says Oliver Wings, paleontologist and guest researcher at the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin. He was describing the spectacular find of some 1800 fossilized mesa chelonia turtles from the Jurassic era in China’s northwest province of Xinjiang. Wings and the University of Tübingen’s fossil turtle specialist, Dr. Walter Joyce, were working with Chinese paleontologists there in 2008. Leer más.