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A sick tortoise, which had been kept in a glass tank and had become severely constipated having eaten the gravel and stones on its cage floor, has recovered after an ‘adult sexual aid toy’ was used as a vibrating massager strapped to the underside of its shell. Leer más.
Marine snakes are fascinating. Entire articles have been written about their morphological and physiological adaptations to marine life, from their lingual salt glands, which are more efficient than kidneys at removing sodium ions from their body, to their rudimentary left lung, which serves a function for the first time in millions of years, aiding in buoyancy control in a manner analogous to the swim bladders of many fishes. Leer más.
The long necked sauropod dinosaurs were the largest land animals ever to walk the Earth — but why were they so large? A decade ago, a team of plant ecologists from South Africa suggested that this was due to the nature of the plant food they ate. Leer más.
The classifications of “threatened” and “endangered” are vital to the survival of rare and imperiled species. However, they are terms that can be difficult to define accurately, and they can be even harder to assign in any given case. RAEI is working on the front lines in the field to determine which species warrant these and other designations, and what we can do to bring their numbers back up so that they can someday be delisted. Leer más.