Clasificada anteriormente como Lamprophis fuliginosus. El estudio de Kelly et al. en 2011 indica que Lamprophis fuliginosus es un complejo de especies para el cual, el termino Boaedon vuelve a usarse, quedando esta especie clasificada como Boaedon fuliginosus. El género Lamprophis queda agrupando 4 especies de serpientes sudafricanas. Leer más.

A colorful new lizard species of the family Agamidae has been discovered in southern Vietnam by a team of Russian and German herpetologists. Calotes bachae is a well known lizard but was thought to be another blue lizard species, Calotes mystaceus, from Myanmar and Thailand. Leer más.
A new species of prehistoric sea monster unearthed in Nevada chowed down on prey its own size—the first ocean predator that evolved to do so, a new study says. (Explore a sea monster interactive in National Geographic magazine.) Leer más.
Episode 5 of a year-long 24 episode education-outreach video series starring Whit Gibbons (Herpetologist and Author), produced in cooperation with The Amphibian and Reptile Conservancy. Leer más.