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The Plain-bellied Watersnake (or sometimes called the red-bellied watersnake) is a moderately size (typically 3-4 feet long) watersnake of the wetlands and swamps of the southeastern United States. Leer más.
Kappachelys okurai gen. et sp. nov. is named and described based on two isolated carapacial elements (right seventh costal and left seventh peripheral) from the Lower Cretaceous (?upper Neocomian) Akaiwa Formation of west-central Honshu, Japan. Leer más.
Una nueva especie de lagarto subterráneo, bautizado ‘Moby Dick’ por su parecido con un cetáceo, fue descubierto en Madagascar por un equipo internacional de investigadores, ha anunciado el Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas (CNRS) en Montepellier (Francia). Leer más.
A contributor and anole breeder extraordinaire Veronika Holáňová and colleagues have just described a new species of Chamaeleolis, Anolis sierramaestrae, from–where else?–the Sierra Maestra of eastern Cuba. The species, described in a paper just published in Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae, differs in a variety of scalation details from the other five species in this group, and the paper includes a very useful pictorial guide to distinguishing among them. Leer más.