Toads will start to emerge from January to April, usually after a spell of damp and warm weather, to travel to their breeding sites. Leer más.

Scores of crocodiles perished in a Shenzen, China zoo recently, after suffering a barrage of trash and projectiles from callous visitors. Leer más.
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Una tortuga laud (Dermochelys coriacea) apareció muerta ayer en la Playa de Salinas (Castrillón, Asturies). Se trataba de un ejemplar de un metro y medio de longitud y que podría pesar entre 200 y 300 kg. Leer más.
In their rate of heating and cooling. A recent paper by Walguarnery et al. reveals that baby green and brown anoles change temperatures at a remarkably rapid rate, much higher than that reported for most other vertebrates and comparable to that of insects. Leer más.