Crocodilians exhibit a spectrum of rostral shape from long snouted (longirostrine), through to short snouted (brevirostrine) morphologies. The proportional length of the mandibular symphysis correlates consistently with rostral shape, forming as much as 50% of the mandible’s length in longirostrine forms, but 10% in brevirostrine crocodilians. Here we analyse the structural consequences of an elongate mandibular symphysis in relation to feeding behaviours. Leer más.

The giant Amazon River turtle (Podocnemis expansa) and the yellow-spotted Amazon River turtle (P. unifilis) are large river turtles. These impressive turtles have been elusive for turtle keepers in the United States due to legal restrictions. All Podocnemis species are protected as Appendix II species by CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Flora and Fauna) and the impressive P. expansa and the beautiful P. unifilis are on Appendix I of CITES and are both protected by the US Endangered Species Act. Leer más.
Bons (1963) described the subspecies Blanus cinereus mettetali based on material originating from central-western Morocco. According to the original description, B. c. mettetali was partitioned from the nominate subspecies based on differences in scalation. Leer más.
In lekking species, the allocation of effort into mate attraction signals is not uniform over time, and signalers may expend the greatest effort when potential mates are nearby. Close-range courtship interactions are critical determinants of male fitness and the study of these interactions can therefore answer important questions in sexual selection. In anurans, attention has largely focused on long-range mate attraction mediated by acoustic signaling. Leer más.
La finalidad fundamental de estas becas es la de fomentar todas aquellas propuestas que ayuden a la cooperación universitaria iberoamericana en el postgrado y faciliten el establecimiento real de un “espacio iberoamericano de educación superior” con una importante presencia de las universidades andaluzas. Leer más.