Científicos del Centro de Geocronología de la Universidad de California, Berkeley (Estados Unidos), y universidades de Países Bajos y Reino Unido han determinado de forma más precisa las fechas de extinción de los dinosaurios, hace 66 millones de años, y el impacto de un asteoide o cometa que ocurrió aproximadamente en el mismo tiempo. Leer más.

Los anfibios (ranas, sapos, tritones, salamandras, etcétera) sufren desde hace años un rápido declive a escala mundial. Leer más.
You might be familiar only with the green frogs or brown toads that live in nearby ponds or woods. But frogs and toads are among the most incredibly diverse animals on earth. Here are just a few of the weirdest and most unusual frogs and toads: Leer más.
Respiratory diseases in boid snakes are common in captivity, but little information is available on their aetiology. This study was carried out to determine the occurrence of lung associated pathogens in boid snakes with and without respiratory signs and/or pneumonia. In total, 80 boid snakes of the families Boidae (n = 30) and Pythonidae (n = 50) from 48 private and zoo collections were included in this survey. Leer más.
Talk about a cool and tough snake! The Eastern Mudsnake lives in the swamps of the southeastern United States and choses to eat one of the largest amphibians in the world – the amphiuma. Not only are their meals huge but amphiumas fight voraciously! Leer más.