
At FROGS ARE GREEN, we have been concerned for some time about the weedkiller, Roundup, manufactured by Mosanto, because of studies that have shown birth defects and reproductive deformities occurring in animals, including frogs, after exposure to its active ingredient, the chemical glyphosate. A new review of scientific reports about Roundup by the organization Open Source Earth suggests that that glyphosate may cause birth defects in humans as well. Leer más.

Al llarg del novembre del 2012, van iniciar-se els primers mostrejos en el marc del projecte “Estudi de la diversitat d’amfibis al Parc de les Deveses de Salt”. Tenint en compte tota l’extensió que engloba el Parc, entre basses, zones d’aiguamoll i les ribes del Ter, sumen un gran nombre d’hàbitats favorables per al desenvolupament d’aquest grup faunístic. Leer más.

Two years ago, I was invited to present in the Basal Archosaur symposium at the Latin American Congress of Vertebrate Paleontology in San Juan, Argentina. Holy cow do they know how to put on a good conference.  This symposium has turned into a Special Issue of the Geological Society of London. Papers in this volume will be trickling out over the next few months I presume. Ours is out now though. leer más.