Dwarf crocodiles have met their match in the poisonous invader, as new research shows it has wiped out entire populations of the reptile in northern Australia. Leer más.

Beginning on about June 8, Green Salamander (Aneides aeneus) females here in western North Carolina began laying their eggs. Green Salamanders tend to reuse the same nest crevices year after year so it is a fairly simple matter to go to known nest sites and see if they are being used again. Also, the gravid females tend to move into the brood crevices as much as two weeks in advance of laying and they can easily be identified by their distended bellies. Leer más.
Crocodylians are some of the most ancient reptiles on our planet. Consisting of crocodiles, gharials, alligators and caimans, this group possesses adaptations that have allowed them to survive for millions of years. Now, scientists have uncovered something new about these creatures; the skin of crocodylians is sensitive to heat, cold, touch and then chemicals in their environment. Leer más.
El reglamento para armonizar el uso de un sistema de protección de las tortugas marinas en la pesca de camarón en Centroamérica y la República Dominicana entró en vigor, anunció un organismo regional en San Salvador. Leer más.
La época de celo del lagarto verdinergo (Lacerta schreiberi) ya se ha terminado, y los machos, que hasta hace unas pocas semanas lucían una impresionante coloración azul en la cabeza, la han perdido. Ya no tiene sentido invertir más recursos en fabricar costosos pigmentos y por otra parte una cabeza de color gris pasa más desapercibido ante los depredadores. Leer más.