Une récente collaboration entre des chercheurs français du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, du CNRS, de l’IRD ainsi que des chercheurs australiens et américains a mis en évidence une grande diversité d’espèces de serpents dont on ne soupçonnait pas l’existence. Ils publient en juillet les résultats de cette étude dans “The Biological Journal of The Linnean Society“. Leer más.

Description of a new species of Burmese vipers of genus Azemiops Boulenger, 1888 (Reptilia: Ophidia: Viperidae: Azemiopinae) from northeast Vietnam and southeast China is given. It leads to changing the status of the monotypic genus Azemiops. Critical analysis of literature for all period of study and analysis of distribution of two species of Azemiops genus as well as natural history data are discussed. Leer más.
Scientists spent three years looking for a rare snake near the Gila River in southwestern New Mexico, a snake they thought had disappeared from New Mexico 20 years ago. They were wrong. Leer más.
Why did animals with limbs win the race to invade land over those with fins? A new study comparing the forces acting on fins of mudskipper fish and on the forelimbs of tiger salamanders can now be used to analyze early fossils that spanned the water-to-land transition in tetrapod evolution, and further understand their capability to move on land. Leer más.
Lake Titicaca frog – swimming underwater and eating shed skin. Leer más.