At least six female sea turtles have become disoriented this summer on Anna Maria Island in Florida, unable to find their way back to the water after coming to shore to nest. Leer más.

Un diente de T. rex fusionado entre las vértebras de una de sus presas confirma que este enorme dinosaurio era capaz de cazar a otros dinosaurios aunque, en este caso, la víctima sobreviviera al ataque, tal y como publican hoy paleontólogos estadounidenses en la revista PNAS. Leer más.
Habitat loss, disease and climate change have caused some species to vanish without a trace in a single breeding season; however, the status of many of the world’s amphibians is currently unknown due to limited and outdated research. The Search for Lost Frogs, launched in August 2010 by Conservation International (CI) and the IUCN Amphibian Specialist Group (ASG), with support from Global Wildlife Conservation (GWC), sought to document the survival status and whereabouts of threatened amphibian species not seen in over a decade. Leer más.
Five dead crocodiles, 14 critically endangered turtles and a cache of other rare species have been found in the home of a suspected wildlife trader in one of the Philippines’ biggest slums, the government said on Friday. Leer más.
O gavião-carijó (Rupornis magnirostris) é um gavião da família dos acipitrídeos, encontrado em todo o Brasil. Como toda ave de rapina tem um papel indispensável no equilíbrio da fauna como reguladores da seleção natural. Desta vez, para o seu azar, foi selecionado por seu predador, a jibóia (Boa constrictor). Leer más.