They only make the noise, described as a brief, clear metallic sound made up of a series of notes, when in distress. Leer más.

The eastern massasauga is a small venomous rattlesnake found in the northeastern United States. Populations of this snake have declined so much that it is now necessary to work to conserve it or it could go extinct in the future. Leer más.
Del 27 setembre a les 16:00 Fins a les 28 setembre a les 18:30. CRARC. Leer más.
Gardiner’s frogs from the Seychelles islands, one of the smallest frogs in the world, do not possess a middle ear with an eardrum yet can croak themselves, and hear other frogs. An international team of scientists using X-rays has now solved this mystery and established that these frogs are using their mouth cavity and tissue to transmit sound to their inner ears. Leer más.
La causa de la desaparición de estos anfibios de intenso color amarillo y negro, de los cuales desde 2010 solo queda un 4% de la población original, es un hongo llamado Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans, indicaron los científicos en las Actas de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias (PNAS, por su sigla en inglés). Leer más.