In the eyes of a female poison-dart frog, a red male isn’t much brighter than a green one. This does not however mean that the mating behavior of the green and red variants of the same species of frog is exactly the same. A study in Springer’s journalBehavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, led by Beatriz Willink of the Universidad de Costa Rica in Costa Rica, sheds light on these findings. Leer más.

No âmbito do projecto Life+ Trachemys foram libertados, no passado mês de Junho, 40 indivíduos da espécie cágado-de-carapaça-estriada (Emys orbicularis) que nasceram no RIAS. Leer más.
While teenage mutant ninja turtles may be entertaining to imagine, real life mutant reptiles are less amusing to some. No? What about real life snakes with half developed limbs? Someone who can attest to this first hand is Dean Qiongxiu, of Southwest China, who discovered a snake with a claw extremity crawling along the wall of her home. Leer más.