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Las serpientes son animales que, además de las habituales amenazas a su conservación, también sufren una persecución directa, en aras de la “legítima defensa”, por personas que se sienten irrealmente amenazadas. DIA: 13/12/2013. HORA: 19:00. LUGAR: KOLDO MITXELENA (c/ Urdaneta 9, Donostia). Leer más.
These stunning images of Puerto Rican emerald anoles, Anolis evermanni, drinking nectar are from the website of Alfredo D.Colón Archilla who has also published an account of the observations. Leer más.
To protect themselves, some animals rapidly change color when their environments change, but chameleons change colors in unusual ways when they interact with other chameleons. Arizona State University researchers have discovered that these color changes don’t happen “out-of-the-blue” — instead, they convey different types of information during important social interactions. Leer más.
Air flows mostly in a one-way loop through the lungs of monitor lizards — a breathing method shared by birds, alligators and presumably dinosaurs, according to a new University of Utah study. Leer más.