While Florida busies itself trying to eradicate non-native pythons in the Everglades, researchers at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine want to help pet pythons and boas through a blood test for inclusion body disease (IBD). Leer más.

Desde el pasado 18 de diciembre, y hasta el próximo 30 de marzo, se puede ver en el Centro de Recursos Medio Ambientales de Cristina Enea una exposición que descubre los secretos y datos más relevantes de la vida de serpientes y víboras. Al hilo de la muestra, el pasado 25 de enero 80 personas pudieron disfrutar de un taller interactivo donde se dio la vuelta a la percepción que se tiene de estos animales, dando a conocer sus características y peculiaridades. Leer más.
AA contributor Martha Muñoz’s work on altitudinal variation in the cybotoid anoles has already netted her the Raymond B. Huey awardand of course, been featured on AA. A big chunk of this work, co-first authored with Maureen Stimola, has just been published by theProceedings of the Royal Society B. If you haven’t read it yet, check it out. Leer más.
“A winter storm that hit the southern United States yesterday all but paralyzed the city of Atlanta, stranding people in cars at stores and children at their schools. The storm only brought a few inches across the region but with the ice caused major problems in America’s southern region.” Leer más.
For more than three decades, since the seminal work of Ray Huey, Al Bennett, and Steve Arnold, biologists have measured whole animal performance–how fast they run, how far they jump, how well they can swim–to understand how species are adapted to their environment. Leer más.