Scientists may have discovered a new species of predator crocodile that actually preceded the dinosaurs. They’ve uncovered a new species called Nundasuchus, a nine-foot-long carnivorous reptile with steak knifelike teeth. Leer más.
We currently have a vacancy for a permanent Keeper to join a large and busy Lower Vertebrate and Invertebrate team (starting 1st March 2015). For the right candidate, this post offers a fantastic opportunity to work with a wide variety of species ranging from Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish to Invertebrates. The position will also be required to work in… Leer más.
Position 1 The fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) causes the disease Chytridiomycosis and is believed to be one of the major causes for recent global declines of amphibians. Bd was first found in Sweden in 2011. This position is aimed at elucidating the relationship between Bd infection and fitness in natural populations of Swedish amphibians. Ir al enlace.
Manuel E. Ortiz-Santaliestra, Adolfo Marco. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. January 2015. Temporary ponds, where many amphibians from temperate regions breed, show an annual cycle with a maximum water volume in spring followed by a progressive desiccation throughout late spring and summer. This desiccation leads to a decrease in dissolved oxygen and an increase in nitrogen levels, which can additionally increase because of anthropogenic sources such as chemical fertilizers. Leer más.
Tupinambis merianae, is a large, omnivorous tegu lizard native to South America. Two populations of tegus are established in the state of Florida, USA, but impacts to native species are poorly documented. Leer más.