Researchers have radio-tracked frogs for the first time in Madagascar. The effort, undertaken by a group of European scientists, is detailed in the current issue of Herpetologica. Leer más.

Diseases are important drivers of declines in in amphibians and fishes. Relatively well known diseases in amphibians are chytridiomycosis and ranavirosis, however fungal-like organisms from the orders Dermocystida and Ichthyophonida may have a large potential impact as well. Leer más.
McCranie and Köhler have just published an authoritative account of the 39 species of Honduran anoles. Rich in detail and thorough in coverage, this volume will be of interest to anyone interested in neotropical herpetology. Leer más.
That swim tracks made by tetrapods occur in high numbers in deposits from the Early Triassic is well known. What is less clear is why the tracks are so abundant and well preserved. Leer más.
A new species of Narrow-mouthed frog of the genus Kaloula is described from northern Peninsular Malaysia. Kaloula latidisca sp. nov. is genetically and morphologically most similar to K. baleata and K. indochinensis. Leer más.