En el caso de Doñana, que es el principal objeto de estudio de Díaz Paniagua, la investigadora observa ya problemas relacionados con el cambio climático. “El incremento de la temperatura afecta al periodo de reproducción de los animales y a la duración de las lagunas. Ese aumento hace que las especies puedan adelantar su periodo de reproducción y que una helada acabe con sus larvas”, explica. Leer más.
Fresh analysis of a reptile fossil is helping scientists solve an evolutionary puzzle — how snakes lost their limbs. The findings show snakes did not lose their limbs in order to live in the sea, as was previously suggested. Leer más.
Knowledge about the types of nests built by dinosaurs can provide insight into the evolution of nesting and reproductive behaviors among archosaurs. However, the low preservation potential of their nesting materials and nesting structures means that most information can only be gleaned indirectly through comparison with extant archosaurs. Leer más.
Raorchestes flaviventris, a species of rhacophorid bush frog described from the Western Ghats by George Albert Boulenger in 1882, has never been reported from the region since its description. However, we herewith report a record of the species after almost 132 years and redescribe the species and also clarify confusions that prevailed over the taxonomic status of the species and its closely-related congeners, along with shedding light on literature regarding its distribution. Also, the recently described R. emeraldi Vijayakumar et al., 2014, which we suggest to be the same species, becomes a junior subjective synonym of R. flaviventris. Leer más.
Los hongos quitridios son organismos primitivos, habitan suelos húmedos o aguas dulces y la mayoría son saprófitos, aunque otros son parásitos de algas, plantas, animales invertebrados. Dentro de este grupo, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, el hongo que produce la quitridiomicosis en anfibios, y el recientemente descubierto Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans, que produce la enfermedad exclusivamente en salamandras y tritones, son los únicos que parasitan vertebrados. Leer más.