Un ano máis, e xa van catro, a Aula da Natureza do río Miño e un servidor convidámosvos ás Xornadas Herpetolóxicas Ourensás. Este ano organizaremos dúas xornadas que terán lugar o sábado 23 de abril e o sábado 21 de maio en horario de 10:00 a 14:00h tendo como punto de encontro a Aula. Tendes toda a info para apuntarvos no anterior enlazamento. Leer más.

Roberto Rodríguez-Caro, Eva Graciá, Renata Morais Dos Santos, José D. Anadón and Andrés Gimenez. 2015. Acta Herpetologica. 10 (2): 77-84. A reliable estimation of individuals’ age is helpful to conduct demographic studies on wildlife populations. In tortoises, many studies have estimated individuals’ age by counting growth rings on their scutes, assuming one ring per year (1:1 ratio). However, the accuracy of this method is controversial. The ring deposition pattern can vary
depending on species, or even populations, and should be studied comprehensively. We studied the ring deposition pattern of Testudo graeca in southeastern Iberian Peninsula, using recaptures of 156 individuals between 2004 and 2010. Leer más.
Oromi, Neus, Sebastià Camarasa, Isabel Sanuy and Delfi Sanuy. 2015. Acta Herpetologica. 10 (2): 85-91. In the present study, we analysed the effects of temperature on several embryonic and larval traits (survival, development and growth rate until the metamorphosis) of Rana temporaria in two populations living at different altitude (1540 and 2100 m) in the Pyrenees. Leer más.
Franch, Marc, Cristiano Silva, Gil Lopes, Fernando Ribeiro, Paulo Trigueiros, Luis Seco and Neftalí Sillero. 2015. Acta Herpetologica 10(2). Our main goal here was to give a numerical priority sequence of particular characteristics of roadkilled amphibians to improve the computing and learning process of algorithms. We asked hundred and five amateur and professional herpetologists to answer a simple test of five sets with ten images each of roadkilled amphibians, in order to determine which body parts or characteristics (body form, colour, and other patterns) are used to identify correctly the species. Leer más.