Jihène Ben Hassine, Daniel Escoriza & Badis Bakhouche. African Journal of Herpetology. Volume 65, Issue 1, 2016. Our surveys indicated that P. poireti is widely-distributed on the Edough Peninsula. Pleurodeles poireti predominantly breeds in moderate to large water bodies densely covered with emergent vegetation. Leer más.

Cristina Rivero Suárez, Miguel Angel Rodríguez-Domínguez & Miguel Molina-Borja. Volume 65, Issue 1, 2016. Multivariate analysis showed that head width (HW) and hind limb length (HLL) were significantly larger in individuals from Tasartico than in those of Gáldar. Hind limb length was the trait that contributed most to differentiate between populations and head parameters between males and females. In both populations head and body traits scaled to TRL, head width (HW) and head depth (HD) of males having a positive allometry, and fore limb length (FLL) and hind limb length (HLL) a negative one. Leer más.
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Field work was conducted in 2008 and 2009 in Nhica do Rovuma, Cabo Delgado province of Mozambique, in order to assess anuran faunal composition of East African coastal dry forest. A total of 31 species were observed and/or collected; 24 of these are new for the province. Leer más.
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