Está incluido en el Catálogo Vasco de Especies amenazadas de la Fauna y Flora, Silvestre y Marina en la categoría de ‘vulnerable’. Es la Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi quien lleva una década siguiendo la población del sapo corredor en la Bahía de Txingudi. Ion Garin, miembro de Aranzadi, explica que «el progreso urbano ha provocado que esta especie se haya aislado y esté muy fragmentada entre Irun y Hondarribia». Leer más.

A phylogenetic hypothesis for the frogs of the genus Telmatobius that includes a comprehensive sample of the morphological and geographical variation is lacking. Obtaining such a hypothesis constitutes the main focus of this contribution. A phylogenetic matrix was generated based on 97 phenotypic characters and 56 terminals. Leer más.
Last year, I wrote about the 10,000th reptile and the 3,500th snake species to be described by scientists. The pace has not slowed down—as of its most recent update last week, The Reptile Database currently lists 3,596 species of snakes out of a total of 10,391 species of (non-avian) reptiles. A few weeks ago, the March 21st issue of the frequently-published journal Zootaxa (volume 4093, issue 1) included descriptions of three of these new snake species. Leer más.