La rana de vientre rojo (Craugastor escoces) es una de las epecies de anfibios que se mantuvieron desaparecidas durante varias décadas. Este ejemplar encontrado es una hembra, adulta y mide un poco más de 6 centímetros. Leer más.

The position is available for an initial 2 years of which extension to the second year is dependent on satisfactory performance with respect to the agreed targets. Extension to the third year is also possible if required by a project.
The Herpetology Group forms part of the Department of Zoology & Entomology at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa. The university is located in the central part of the country. The group currently comprises an honours student, three masters students and one doctoral student. It is led by Prof. Neil Heideman. It focuses on Southern African herpetology, specializing in functional morphology, various aspects of ecology, phylogeny, population genetics and biodiversity conservation. Current projects include the ecology and population genetics of the tent tortoise, Psammobates tentorius; ecology and spatial utilization of the berg adder, Bitis atropos; phylogeny, phylogeography, landscape genetics and bioacoustics of olive toads (Sclerophrys) in southern Africa; and the description and evolution of the primary sense organs in reptiles.
We are looking for a candidate skilled in evolutionary and population genetics who enjoys fieldwork. First preference will be given to frog specialists.
Our funding comes from the university, our department and the National Research Foundation of South Africa. You will have access to state-of-the-art sequencing and other core facilities. English is the medium of communication.
A tax-free monthly salary commensurate with good living standards in South Africa is offered.
To Apply:
Please forward the following to Prof. Neil Heideman at
1. A cover letter outlining your background and suitability for the position
2. Your updated CV
3. Copies of your degree certificates
4. Contact details of two referees
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Closing date: Applications will remain open until the position is filled.