
Recent molecular phylogenies of the Acanthodactylus pardalis species-group have revealed a deep genetic divergence within the nominal species A. busacki from north-west Africa. The species is phylogenetically separated into northern and southern lineages, which correspond to a previously observed morphological differentiation between the northern and southern populations of this species. Leer más.


Many people are aware that some snakes constrict their prey, and others use venom to kill their prey. Recently, somebody asked me what the breakdown was, and I had to admit that I didn’t know exactly. My initial estimate was that 20% were venomous in a way that is medically-significant to humans, and that probably a similar number of species are opisthoglyphs that use venom that is not life-threatening to humans to subdue their prey (with a decent number of these pending discovery, confirmation, or further investigation). Leer más.


No me acostumbro a presenciar el espectáculo de las Balsas y Navajos secos. Todos los años tengo la esperanza de que las encontraré llenas de vida y con abundante agua, estéril esperanza. La carencia de lluvia, hace que sus cubetas no reciban el líquido elemento para el que han sido concebidas, acumular agua. Leer más.
