The diversity of the tropical climbing salamander genus Bolitoglossa (Magnadigita) in Honduras has been underestimated historically, with 11 new species having been described in the past quarter-century. Bolitoglossa celaque is known to occur in three disjunct mountain ranges across the Lenca Highlands region of southwestern Honduras, and previous studies have independently demonstrated differences in mitochondrial genealogy and genome size between populations to the east and west of the Mejocote–San Juan Depression. Leer más.

he project, running from 2018-2020, created 43 breeding ponds and made numerous wildlife scrapes, hibernation spaces for reptiles and amphibians and provided foraging habitats and breeding areas for Willow Tits and Harvest Mice. It also ‘linked’ local and national businesses, encouraged collaborative partnerships with conservation bodies, land-owners and charities, and involved skill-sharing and education with local schools and the community on the importance of wildlife corridors and those species mentioned. Leer más.
We documented a >50% decrease in the estimated number of adults of both sexes between the breeding seasons of 2018 and 2019, probably associated with reduced rainfall in the latter. Estimates of Nb and the Nb/Na ratio were low in both seasons, with a 20–30% decrease in Nb and a 47% increase in the Nb/Na ratio in 2019. Based on the reconstruction of pedigrees from larval and adult genotypes, we provide the first genetic evidence of polygamy in males and females of D. galganoi and the first estimates of breeding success in the species. Leer más.
In the Western Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot, palaeo‐tectonic and palaeo‐climatic factors drove diversification since the Miocene. Comparisons among patterns of diversification, haplotype diversity, and climatic stability suggest that southern Iberian and Italian peninsulas, and north‐western African mountains acted as refugia since the Pliocene, while some northern areas favoured population persistence during the Pleistocene. Climate adaptation likely played a secondary role in the diversification of some lineages. Leer más.
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