Snakebites in Europe are mostly due to bites from Viperidae species of the genus Vipera. This represents a neglected public health hazard with poorly defined incidence, morbidity and mortality. In Europe, fourteen species of “true vipers” (subfamily Viperinae) are present, eleven of which belong to the genus Vipera. Leer más.

We quantify and explain the effects of disease-driven loss of salamanders on the dynamics of forest leaf litter. Using paired mesocosms, within a Belgian forest, we tested the effect of fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) presence on the trophic cascade that results in the decomposition rate of good quality (maple – Acer pseudoplatanus) and poorer quality (oak – Quercus robur) leaf litter, over an 18 month period. Leer más.
Cette décision semble mettre fin à près de 10 années de procédures judiciaires après qu’un voisin des époux Pécheras, propriétaires de la mare, ait porté plainte pour cause de nuisances sonores liées aux grenouilles. Leer más.
La revista Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española publicará próximamente nuevos datos sobre alimentación de néctar de la planta exótica Hoya kerrii (Apocynaceae) por parte del perenquén de Delalande (Tarentola delalandii), endémico de las islas de Tenerife y La Palma. Leer más.
A new ground-dwelling species of treefrog in the genus Leptopelis is described from the Harenna Forest in south-eastern Ethiopia. The description is based on morphology and acoustics and is supported by molecular data. The new species has a small body size, and the digital discs on fingers and toes are significantly more conspicuous than in other semi-fossorial members of the L. gramineus complex. Leer más.