Berdin al du zirringilo bat edo beste? Inbasio biologikoak: biodibertsitatearen mehatxua.
¿Da igual una lagartija que otra? Invasiones biológicas: una amenaza para la biodiversidad.
Charla de Getaria: jueves 20, a las 19:00 horas.
D de reunión: 845 2681 1451
Código de acceso: 930063
Charla de Bilbao: viernes 21, a las 18:00 horas.
ID de reunión: 899 6670 5673
Código de acceso: 686219  

A new study may have uncovered why wall lizards have become the most successful reptile in the Mediterranean region. The results reveal how drastic changes in sea levels and climate 6 million years ago affected species formation in the area. The researchers believe they can now explain why the lizards became so diverse and widespread, something that has puzzled biologists since the 19th century. Leer más.
