Predation of native amphibians by marsh frogs (Pelophylax ridibundus) was assessed by stomach flushing once a month over four months in 21 ponds in southern France. Nine percent of stomachs contained amphibians. Seasonality was a major determinant of amphibian consumption. Leer más.

Our results illustrate the severe impact of L. californiae on the endemic herpetofauna of Gran Canaria and highlight the need for strengthened measures to manage this invasion. We also provide further evidence of the negative consequences of invasive snakes on island reptiles and emphasize the need for further research on this matter on islands worldwide. Leer más.
Ponds are among the most biodiverse and ecologically important freshwater habitats globally and may provide a significant opportunity to mitigate anthropogenic pressures and reverse the decline of aquatic biodiversity. Ponds also provide important contributions to society through the provision of ecosystem services. Despite the ecological and societal importance of ponds, freshwater research, policy, and conservation have historically focused on larger water bodies, with significant gaps remaining in our understanding and conservation of pond ecosystems. Leer más.
Un reciente estudio publicado en la revista “Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research” ha analizado las poblaciones de víbora hocicuda de la Península Ibérica y Norte de África, llegando a la interesante conclusión de que las víboras del área Cádiz-Málaga no pertenecen a la subespecie gaditana, a la que se adscribían hasta el momento, sino que forman una nueva subespecie aislada a la que han nombrado como Vipera latastei subsp. arundana. Leer más.
Un estudio certifica que varias especies de tortuga gigante que habitan en diferentes islas portan dos tipos de herpesvirus y dos de adenovirus, dos familias virales conocidas por causar enfermedad y mortalidad en tortugas y reptiles alrededor del mundo. Leer más.