La tortuga mediterránea o de tierra vuelve a habitar el entorno del embalse de El Catllar. De momento todavía no de forma consolidada, ya que aún tendrá que esperarse unos años para conocer cómo evoluciona la población de estos ejemplares que empezaron a liberarse hace un año y medio aproximadamente, dentro del programa para la reintroducción liderado por el Centre de Recuperació d’Amfibis i Rèptils de Catalunya (CRARC). Leer más.
We address two classification experiments: (1) assignment of images of the morphologically relatively distinct P. bocagei and P. lusitanicus; and (2) distinction between the overall more cryptic nine taxa that compose this complex. We used four datasets (two image perspectives and individuals of the two sexes) and three deep-learning models to address each problem. Our results suggest a high ability of the models to identify the correct species, especially when combining predictions from different perspectives and models (accuracy of 95.9% and 97.1% for females and males, respectively, in the two-class case; and of 91.2% to 93.5% for females and males, respectively, in the nine-class case). Leer más.
We evaluated how ecological and biogeographic traits influence amphibians’ response to climate change. We performed a systematic review searching for studies that evaluated the effects of future climate change on amphibian’s distribution. Leer más.
Females living in the highly degraded–polluted habitat exhibited record body sizes for the species, which allowed them to carry both more and larger eggs. In comparison, the corresponding reproductive traits measured in the intact habitat ranged within the limits reported in previous studies. Leer más.