La plataforma móvil Croalitoral, diseñada por investigadores del Conicet, la Universidad Nacional del Litoral y la Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos, brinda a la comunidad una oportunidad para aprender sobre estas especies y su importancia en los ecosistemas. Leer más.

According to the dispersal models, T. mauritanica will be able to colonise a similar geographic range compared to the one obtained with the correlative models for the future. Finally, the niche overlap results demonstrate that T. mauritanica’s realised niche has not been conserved over space, as the naturalised climatic niche of the introduced populations differs significantly from its native one. Leer más,
Our results demonstrate that vegetation structure variables derived from automated image processing significantly relate to viper microhabitat selection. Our method minimizes the risk of subjectivity in measuring vegetation structure, enables the aggregation of adjacent pixel data and is suitable for comparison of or extrapolation across different vegetation types or ecosystems. Leer más.
The mechanisms underlying the effects of location on distances between captures remain to be identified, but may be related to foraging for abundant prey items on the wrack line. Our study confirms the remarkable terrestrial site fidelity in P. cultripes, which might be detrimental to coastal populations if localized perturbations affect coastal environments. Leer más.
Usually when you ask someone what their favourite animal is, the answer is typically either some kind of mammal or reptile. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that as there are many amazing species all over the world. Leer más.