El Institut d’Estudis Eivissencs (IEE) reclama a las administraciones de las islas que asuman el control de la plaga de serpientes en la isla de Ibiza, así como “la responsabilidad” de preservar la lagartija propia de la isla (Podarcis pityusensis), “una especie en riesgo de extinción”. Leer más.

The smooth snake is one of only three native snake species in the UK. Unfortunately, it’s numbers are drastically reducing, and it is now considered one of Britain’s rarest animals. Leer más.
This study highlights the importance of island populations in understanding the processes that favour the emergence of extreme phenotypes in small ectothermic vertebrates. Leer más.
Two free-ranging barred grass snakes’ (Natrix helvetica) shed skin sloughs tested positive despite a lack of gross cutaneous signs of disease. These findings are presented in this article. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report of the presence of O. ophidiicola in the Netherlands. Leer más.
We describe the detection of Paranannizziopsis sp. fungus in a wild population of vipers in Europe. Fungal infections were severe, and 1 animal likely died from infection. Surveillance efforts are needed to better understand the threat of this pathogen to snake conservation. Leer más.