Cantabria acogerá la próxima semana una cumbre que reunirá a un centenar de expertos nacionales e internacionales que analizarán los retos y oportunidades de anfibios y reptiles en Europa. Leer más.
Cantabria acogerá la próxima semana una cumbre que reunirá a un centenar de expertos nacionales e internacionales que analizarán los retos y oportunidades de anfibios y reptiles en Europa. Leer más.
In this study, we described TL dynamics in wild spur-thighed tortoises (Testudo graeca), one of the chelonian species with the lowest aging rates. By combining cross-sectional (single) and longitudinal (capture–recapture) samplings, we assessed the relationship between TL and individual characteristics (sex, age, individual growth rate, body condition index, presence of shell anomalies). Leer más.
Co-occurrence between species may be mediated by ecological differences or competitive interactions, but the nature of these interactions can vary across spatial scales. At coarse scales, species may appear to broadly co-occur, but at fine scales, particularly for species with small home ranges, species may utilize different aspects of the microhabitat such that co-occurrence is limited and competitive interactions are reduced or eliminated. Leer más.
Understanding the role that basking plays in thermal biology is important because maintaining body temperatures within certain limits is essential to survival, growth and reproduction, and may affect responses to climate change. Leer más.
A new study published in Science and led by Monash University biologists reveals that the energy cost of reproduction is far greater than previously believed. Leer más.