Our study highlights the importance of constantly monitoring alien species, suggesting that iterative updating of ENMs with observed distribution data may accurately forecast the range expansion of alien species. Leer más.

The activity period extends from March to October, with males emerging from hibernation earlier than females, peaking in May. Female emergence occurs one month later, peaking in June. A total of 41.18% of captured males had recent scars and wounds, indicative of fighting during the mating season from mid-April to mid-June. Leer más.
The Sporades are one of the most biologically important archipelagos in the Aegean Sea (Greece) and have received priority conservation over the last 50 years. However, despite numerous early efforts, its herpetofauna is only partially described, resulting in many distributional gaps that have prevented adequate understanding and management of the resident species communities. Leer más.
Our data notably increase the known ranges of various species and lineages found in Morocco, and indicate a divergent genetic lineage within one of the newly described species. While far greater numbers of genetic markers will be needed to resolve taxonomic questions, greater geographic sampling is also still needed both to delimit the species, and to identify regions where potential genetic admixture may occur. Leer más.