
Vulnerability to Climate warming of Four Genera of New World Iguanians

Based on thermal constraints, as deduced from the effects of global warming on key aspects of thermal biology (e.g. field and laboratory temperatures, and thermoregulation indices; after Hertz et al., 1993), Dr. Piantoni and Dr. Navas from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, and Dr. Ibargüengoytía from the University of Comahue, Argentina, assessed the vulnerability of a sample of populations from the genera Anolis, Liolaemus, Sceloporus, and Tropidurus from a broad range of ecological settings such as the deserts of Yucatan, the Brazilian Cerrado, the lowlands of southern Patagonia steppe, the rainforests of Puerto Rico and the Nothofagus forests in Tierra del Fuego. Leer más.
