Eso es lo que debió pensar la hembra de lagartija roquera (Podarcis muralis) que ayer tomaba el sol tranquilamente sobre una piedra cuando sintió el ataque de un depredador. Muchos reptiles y algunos anfibios, como la Salamandra rabilarga (Chiogolossa lusitanica), tienen la capacidad de desprender voluntariamente algunas partes no vitales del cuerpo, generalmente la cola, como un mecanismo de defensa contra sus enemigos. Esta habilidad recibe el nombre de autotomía. Leer más. |
During the last three years, I have been lucky to see them every single time I have visited the area but they are really hard to find. I find them in the wild on Cayo Santa María. They live exclusively on that island. Nowhere else in the world. Leer más.
Schmidt, Benedikt R., Gabriela Gschwend, Jörg A. Bachmann and Philip Dermond. Amphibia-Reptilia. 36 (1): 87-92. We use removal sampling and hierarchical models to estimate the abundance of salamander (Salamandra salamandra) larvae in 15 first- and second-order streams. Leer más.
Albert Vilardell-Bartino; Xavier Capalleras; Joan Budó; Rafel Bosch and Pere Pons. Amphibia-Reptilia, Volume 36, Issue 1, pages 13 – 25. To avoid the possible extinction of the last native population of western Hermann’s tortoise in the Iberian Peninsula it is essential to make sound management decisions. Knowledge of macro and microhabitat use and home range size has considerable practical value for land managers. With this aim we first studied the home range and habitat preferences in western Hermann’s tortoises by radio tracking 15 adults weekly from March 2008 to May 2009 in three localities within the Albera population range (NE Iberian Peninsula). Leer más.