
Amphibians exhibit extraordinarily diverse sets of reproductive strategies among vertebrates. Understanding life history strategies in an evolutionary framework is lacking for many amphibian species in the tropics. Here, we report a novel reproductive mode where adult frogs enter hollow internodes of bamboo via a small opening, deposit direct developing eggs, and provide parental care. This behaviour is observed in two species of the frog genus Raorchestes. Leer más.

El curso ‘Conocimientos y herramientas para el seguimiento de poblaciones de anfibios’ tiene por objeto que los participantes se familiaricen con las técnicas y herramientas de seguimiento de poblaciones de anfibios, aprendan a identificar las especies presentes en España en todas sus fases de desarrollo, adquieran conocimientos sobre su fenología, manipulación, y también sobre su problemática de conservación. El curso está promovido por el Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales, y tendrá lugar del 18 al 20 de abril en el Centro Nacional de Educación Ambiental (CENEAM) en los Montes de Valsaín (Segovia). Leer más.

Based on thermal constraints, as deduced from the effects of global warming on key aspects of thermal biology (e.g. field and laboratory temperatures, and thermoregulation indices; after Hertz et al., 1993), Dr. Piantoni and Dr. Navas from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, and Dr. Ibargüengoytía from the University of Comahue, Argentina, assessed the vulnerability of a sample of populations from the genera Anolis, Liolaemus, Sceloporus, and Tropidurus from a broad range of ecological settings such as the deserts of Yucatan, the Brazilian Cerrado, the lowlands of southern Patagonia steppe, the rainforests of Puerto Rico and the Nothofagus forests in Tierra del Fuego. Leer más.

Pereira, R.J.; Martínez-Solano, I. y Buckley, D. Molecular Ecology, Accepted manuscript online: 6 February 2016. our results suggest that, while some genomic regions, such as the mitochondria, may follow morphologic species traits and retreat to isolated mountain tops, other genomic regions, such as nuclear markers, may flow across parapatric boundaries, sometimes leading to a complete genetic merger. We show that despite high ecologic and morphologic divergence over prolonged periods of time, hybridization allows for evolutionary outcomes alternative to extinction and replacement of taxa in response to climate change. Leer más.